Week 1: Introduction to Ruby
History and background of Ruby
Installing and setting up Ruby on your machine
Draft LessonHello World in Ruby
Data types, variables, and constants
Basic syntax and control structures
Week 2: Strings, Arrays, and Hashes
Working with strings, arrays, and hashes in Ruby
Looping and iteration in Ruby
Ranges and enumerators in Ruby
Week 3: Methods, Blocks, and Procs
Creating and calling methods in Ruby
Working with blocks and procs in Ruby
Scopes and closures in Ruby
Week 4: Object-Oriented Programming in Ruby
Introduction to object-oriented programming in Ruby
Classes and objects in Ruby
Classes and objects in Ruby
Week 5: Advanced Topics
Modules and mixins in Ruby
Working with files and directories in Ruby
Regular expressions in Ruby
Week 6: Web Development with Ruby
Introduction to web development with Ruby
Web frameworks such as Ruby on Rails and Sinatra
Creating a basic web application using Ruby on Rails