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Scala Programming


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Week 1

Introduction to Scala: history, features, and benefits
Setting up the development environment
Basics of functional programming: immutable data, pure functions, higher-order functions
Data types and variables in Scala
Control structures: conditional statements and loops

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

About Course

Scala is a general-purpose programming language that combines object-oriented programming with functional programming concepts. It was developed in 2004 by Martin Odersky at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland.

Scala is designed to be highly scalable and expressive, which means that it can be used for a wide range of programming tasks, from small scripts to large-scale applications. It is based on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which means that Scala code can be compiled into Java bytecode and run on any platform that supports the JVM. Scala also has full interoperability with Java, which makes it easy to use existing Java libraries in Scala code and vice versa.

Scala has many features that make it popular among developers. One of the most important features is its support for functional programming. This means that Scala code can be written using immutable data structures and pure functions, which can make it easier to reason about and debug. Scala also supports higher-order functions, pattern matching, and recursion, which are all key concepts in functional programming.

Another important feature of Scala is its support for object-oriented programming. Scala allows developers to define classes, objects, and traits, which can be used to create complex data structures and encapsulate functionality. Scala also supports inheritance and polymorphism, which are key concepts in object-oriented programming.

Scala has a large and growing community of developers, and there are many libraries and frameworks available for use with Scala. Some popular libraries and frameworks include Akka, Play, and Spark. Akka is a toolkit for building highly concurrent, distributed, and fault-tolerant systems. Play is a web application framework that is built on top of Akka and provides features like routing, templating, and database access. Spark is a fast and powerful cluster computing system that can be used for big data processing.

Overall, Scala is a powerful and flexible programming language that is well-suited for a wide range of programming tasks, from small scripts to large-scale applications. Its support for both functional programming and object-oriented programming makes it a popular choice for developers who want to write expressive and scalable code.

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What Will You Learn?

  • Introduction to Scala programming
  • Data types, control structures, and functions
  • Object-oriented programming and traits
  • Functional programming and monads
  • Hands-on exercises and projects

Material Includes

  • Live Classes
  • 100% Online Course
  • Hands-on Project
  • Shareable Certificate


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Material Includes

  • Live Classes
  • 100% Online Course
  • Hands-on Project
  • Shareable Certificate

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