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Foundations of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning


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Week 1: Introduction to AI and Machine Learning

Overview of artificial intelligence and machine learning
Historical context and evolution of AI and machine learning
Real-world applications and impact of AI and machine learning
Key differences between AI and machine learning

Week 2: Machine Learning Algorithms

Week 3: Data Preparation and Feature Engineering

Week 4: Evaluation, Model Selection, and Ethics

About Course

The Foundations of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive introduction to the key concepts, techniques, and applications in the field. The course begins by providing an overview of artificial intelligence and machine learning, offering insights into their definitions, historical background, and real-world significance. It explores the relationship between AI and machine learning, showcasing their wide-ranging impact across various industries.

One of the core components of the course is the exploration of different machine learning algorithms. Students are introduced to essential algorithms, including supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning. They gain a deep understanding of classification, regression, clustering, and dimensionality reduction techniques. The course not only covers the theoretical aspects of these algorithms but also emphasizes their practical applications in solving real-world problems.

Additionally, the course delves into the essential aspects of data preparation and feature engineering. Students learn about the importance of data quality, collection, and preprocessing. They also acquire skills in handling missing data, performing feature extraction, and selecting relevant features for machine learning tasks. The course provides a solid foundation in data preprocessing techniques, which are crucial for building accurate and reliable machine learning models.

Evaluation and model selection are also integral parts of the course. Students learn about different evaluation metrics and cross-validation techniques to assess the performance of machine-learning models. They gain insights into the trade-offs between bias and variance, overfitting, and underfitting, enabling them to make informed decisions when selecting the most appropriate model for a given problem.

The course recognizes the significance of deep learning in contemporary AI and machine learning. Students are introduced to neural networks and their application in deep learning. They learn about feedforward neural networks, convolutional neural networks (CNNs), and recurrent neural networks (RNNs). The course highlights the power of deep learning in areas such as image recognition, natural language processing, and sequence analysis.

Moreover, the course addresses ethical considerations in AI and machine learning. It explores topics such as bias, fairness, accountability, and privacy. Students gain insights into the responsible use of AI and machine learning and develop critical thinking skills to navigate the ethical challenges associated with these technologies.

Throughout the course, practical implementation and hands-on projects are incorporated to reinforce theoretical concepts. Students have the opportunity to apply their knowledge by implementing algorithms, performing data analysis, and building machine-learning models using popular libraries such as TensorFlow or PyTorch.

By completing the Foundations of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning course, students gain a strong foundation in the fundamental concepts, algorithms, and practical applications of AI and machine learning. This knowledge equips them with the necessary skills to pursue further studies or embark on careers in the rapidly growing field of AI and machine learning.

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What Will You Learn?

  • Introduction to AI and Machine Learning
  • Machine Learning Algorithms
  • Data Preparation and Feature Engineering
  • Evaluation, Model Selection, and Performance Metrics
  • Deep Learning and Neural Networks
  • Ethical Considerations

Material Includes

  • Live Classes 2Hr Daily
  • Flexibility
  • Accessible Learning Materials
  • Sharable Certificate


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Material Includes

  • Live Classes 2Hr Daily
  • Flexibility
  • Accessible Learning Materials
  • Sharable Certificate

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