Week 1: Introduction to Java Programming
Introduction to programming concepts and Java programming language
Setting up the Java Development Kit (JDK) and Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
Writing and running a simple Java program
Data types, variables, and operators
Week 2: Control Structures and Functions
Conditional statements (if-else, switch)
Looping statements (for, while, do-while)
Week 3: Arrays and Collections
Declaring and initializing arrays
Multi-dimensional arrays and ArrayLists
Accessing and manipulating array elements
Sorting and searching arrays
Week 4: Object-Oriented Programming
Encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism
Constructors and method overloading
Week 5: More Object-Oriented Programming
Abstract classes and interfaces
Method overriding and dynamic binding
Packages and import statements
Week 6: Exception Handling
Handling exceptions with try-catch blocks
Creating custom exceptions
File I/O and reading from/writing to files
Week 7: Networking and Multithreading
Introduction to networking with Java
Using sockets to create client-server applications
Multithreading and concurrency
Synchronization and thread safety
Week 8: GUI Programming with Swing
Creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs) with Swing
Layout managers and components
Event handling and listeners
Week 9: Advanced Topics in Java Programming
Generics and type erasure
Lambda expressions and functional interfaces
Reflection and annotations
Week 10: JDBC and Database Programming
Introduction to databases and database management systems (DBMS)
Structured Query Language (SQL) and database design
Using Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) to interact with databases
CRUD operations and data manipulation
Week 11: Web Development with Java
Introduction to web development with Java
Servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSP)
Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture and Spring Framework
RESTful web services and JSON
Week 12: Project Work and Review
Working on a real-world project using Java
Review of key concepts and skills covered throughout the course
Preparing for a certification exam or further learning opportunities